Friday, September 1, 2006

Getting Started

Over the next 5 years I plan to run 184 marathons or ultramarathons. The real killer is that on September 16th I will run my first marathon of my life. Sounds crazy but I have spent the last two years training for this first marathon. I hope to complete the marathon in around 4 hours.
Now comes the question of why run 184 marathons in five years. On Sept 11, 2001 I was inside the Pentagon when the plane struck the building. To make a long story short, I was diagnosed with Post Tramatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Part of the treatment for it was diet and exercise. I lost 30 pounds over the last two years by running a lot and watching my diet. The real suprise for me was that the running actually keeps my PTSD in check.

Once I got in shape, I decided to run a marathon. While training for the marathon I entered a few smaller races. I won a medal for placing 1st at a 3k race, 1st in a 5k race, and 2nd in a 10k race. I decided to dedicate each of those medals. The first to myself for getting through what I have gotten through, the second to my wife for helping me through it, and the last one to my daughter, who had God not granted me the ability to walk out of the Pentagon on 9/11 would not be with us today. I will dedicate the next 184 marathons and ultramarthons to my coworkers that perished on 9/11.

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